Monday, June 1, 2009

Open Brokerga Eaccount Hong Kong

Dijkstra's algorithm

Is a weighted graph G = (V, A), where V is the set of vertices, A the set of arcs and let L [i, j] its adjacency matrix. We calculate the shortest path between a vertex vi taken as origin and each remaining vertex vj in the graph.
The classic Dijkstra algorithm works in stages, where each of them is adding a vertex to the set D represents those vertices is known for its distance from the vertex origin. Initially the set D contains only the origin vertex.
is possible to raise the Dijkstra algorithm in terms of dynamic programming , and thus take advantage of the method design and the benefits this technology offers.
First, note that it is possible to apply the principle of optimal in this case: if the shortest path from vi to vj is a vertex v k as an intermediate, partial roads saw vk and vk to vj must be a minimum turn.
will call D (j) the vector containing the optimal path from the source vertex i = 1 to each vertex vj, 2 <=j <=n, siendo n el número de vértices. Inicialmente D contiene los arcos L(1,j), o bien ∞ si no existe el arco. A continuación, y para cada vértice vk del grafo con k <>  1, repeat:

Thus the algorithm that solves
problem can be implemented as follows:

CONST n = ..., (* number of vertices of the graph *)
TYPE MATRIX = ARRAY [1 .. n], [1 .. n] OF CARDINAL;
BRAND = ARRAY [1 .. n] OF BOOLEAN; (* elements already considered *)
var i, j, retail, pos, s: CARDINAL; S: BRAND;

BEGIN FOR i: = 2 TO n DO
S [i]: = FALSE;
D [i]: = L [1 , i]
S [1]: = TRUE;
FOR i: = 2 TO n-1 DO
lower: = Menor (D, S, pos);
S [pos]: = TRUE;
FOR j: = 2 TO n DO NOT
IF (S [j]) THEN
D [j]: = Min2 (D [j], D [pos] + L [pos, j]) END

Minor Role is the calculated minimum
recurrence expression that defines the solution of the problem: Minor

lower VAR i: CARDINAL ;
BEGIN: = MAX (CARDINAL) pos: = 1;
FOR i: = 2 TO n DO NOT
IF (S [i]) THEN IF
D [i]
lower: = D [i ], pos: = i


The time complexity of the algorithm is O (n2), where O (n) space complexity. No substantial gain in efficiency through the use of this technique with the greedy approach algorithm, yet we will win in simplicity of design and implementation of the solution from problem statement.

Seaside Sarong Recipe

El Camino salesman

distances are known from a number of cities. A traveler due from one of them, visiting each city exactly once and return to the starting point having the lowest total travel distance possible.
this problem is to find the path with less weight cycles of a weighted graph through all the vertices and return to the original vertex.

Solution First, we propose the solution of the problem as a series of decisions to verify the principle of optimal. The idea will be to build a search solution by successive minimum runs of size 1, 2, 3, etc.
Representing the problem through a graph G = (V, A), and L is its adjacency matrix, each traveler's journey from vertex v1 is formed by an arc (v1, vk) for some vertex vk belongs to V-{v1} and a path from v1 to vertex vk.
But if the trip is also great to be optimal the path of the vertex v1 vk, as if it were not arrive at a contradiction. If it were not there a better way and including it in the original route would get a better way than the optimum, which is impossible. Thus, it meets the principle of optimal .
then consider recurrence relationship. To this end, we call D (vi, S) to the minimum path length from vertex vi passes through all vertices of set S and returns to the vertex vi. The solution to the traveling salesman problem is given then by D (v1, v1-{V}):

Generalizing to start the tour from any vertex:

Note the difference between the strategy of this algorithm and we try to design the following two techniques greedy (see chapter 4.4 of the previous problem.) In the greedy algorithm has to choose one of the possible options at each step, once taken, or discarded, "and not be seen ever again. Are algorithms which have no "history", and therefore does not always work. However, the dynamic programming solution to the overall problem is constructed in another way: from the optimal solutions for smaller problems.
However, the design here has made a serious drawback: its implementation using a data structure that allows reuse
calculations. This structure should contain the intermediate solutions necessary for the computation of D (v1, v1-{V}), but these are too.
In fact, the table must have n rows and 2n columns, as this is the cardinal part of the set V, which are all possibilities that can take the second parameter of D in its definition.
So yes there is a solution to the traveling salesman problem using dynamic programming, but not only fails to improve the efficiency of the classic version by Turning Back (see next chapter), but also offers an improvement in terms of simplicity implementation.

More information

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Build Railway Sleeper Wall

minimum cost in a multistage graph.

A multistage graph G = {N, A} is a directed graph which can make a partition of the set of nodes or vertices N k (≥ 2) disjoint sets Ci, 1 ≤ i ≤ k, where the whole graph arc (n, m) is such that n belongs to m Ci Ci belongs to +1 for some i, 1 ≤ i ≤ k - 1. The cost of each arc (i, j) is provided by the function c. The sets C1 and Ck have a single node, calling the first source node (o) and the second destination node (d). If the number of sets k Ci is said to be a k-stage graph.
The problem is to find a minimum cost path to go from the source node or destination node d. For restrictions, minimum cost path will have exactly one node in each set Ci, Ci hence each define a stage graph. You can also say that each arc of the road joins with the next stage.
This issue has great practical significance since many of the problems of optimum allocation of resources can be formulated in terms of a multistage graph.
Consider how to apply dynamic programming to this situation:
It satisfies the principle of optimality as the minimum cost path must contain subpaths of the lowest cost; otherwise, these subpaths may be replaced with better ones, resulting in a total way of lower cost. In addition, the final solution will be a sequence of decisions, each decision depends on the outcome of others. In general, the i-th decision is to determine from a node or Ci, a bow or as having a source node and one or +1 from Ci +1 and the destination node, where 1 ≤ i ≤ k - 2. The minimum number of decisions for a k-stage graph is k - 2 and that every path has k - 1 arcs, and the latter is determined by the decision taken at the previous stage. Sea

CA (i, j) a minimum cost path COST E (i, j) from the source node to node j or Ci. Using a backward formulation we

Similarly, we can analyze the cost by making forward:
if CA (i, j) is a path of minimum cost COST (i, j ) from the node j of the set Ci to the destination node d, then:

In general, anyone may use either of the two formulations. Let's look at the algorithm that allows us to construct the minimum cost path back to a formulation. (We deleted the first index of the variable COST and we thought that it was important for the algorithm.)

multigraph algorithm (ENT A: arcs, k, n: integer; C: table [1 .. n, 1 .. n]; SAL P: table [1 .. k]) {
This algorithm builds on a graph of k stages with n vertices,
set of arcs A and C costs the least cost path P}

To study the complexity of this algorithm must take into account the complexity of the first loop will be O (max (n, a)) = O (n + a) where n is the number of vertices and the number of edges, and the second O (k) where k is always less than n. Therefore, overall complexity of the algorithm is O (n + a).

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mark Brozel Macbeth Review

    Source code  

import *;

public class Fibonacci {BufferedReader keyboard = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (;
opcionSalir int;
public Fibonacci ( ) {
mostrarMenu ();}

fibonacci_pd public static long (long n) throws
NumeroException {if (n \u0026lt;0) {throw new NumeroException
("Can not enter negative numbers");}

if (n == 0 n;}

long [] a = new long [(int) n +1];
a [0] = 0;
a [1] = 1;
for (int i = 2; i \u0026lt;= n; i + +) {
a [i] = a [i-1] + a [i-2];
return to [(int) n];

private void mostrarMenu () {

opcionSalir = 2 ;

int option;

do {String [] menu = {
"\\ n -------------- Fibonacci --------------" ,
"1 .- Enter Value"

"2 .- Exit"
for (int i = 0; i \u0026lt;menu.length; i + +) {System.out.println
(menu [i]);}

System.out.println ();
pedirOpcion option = ();
System.out.println ();
procesarOpcion (option);
System.out.println ();}

while (option! = opcionSalir)
System.out.println ("Program complete.");

} private void procesarOpcion (int option) {
switch (option) {case 1
calculate ();

case 2:
System.exit (0);

}} private int

pedirOpcion () {int
option = 0;

do {option = pedirEntero ("Options");
if (option \u0026lt;1 & & option> opcionSalir) {
System.out.println ("Invalid option, repeat");}

} while (choice \u0026lt;1 catch (IOException ex) {System.out.println
"Generic Error Input-Output with the keyboard");

} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
System.out.println ("Invalid format for number") ;

} return integer;

} public void calculate () {System.out.println
"\\ n Please enter the number from which you want to calculate the Fibonacci sequence:");

try {long number = Long.parseLong (teclado.readLine ());
System.out.println (
"\\ nThe value of the Fibonacci function for the number" + number +
"is:" + fibonacci_pd (number));

} catch (NumeroException ex) {
System.err.println ("You can only enter numbers");

} catch (IOException ex) {
System . err.println (ex.getMessage ());

} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
System.err.println (ex.getMessage ());}

} public static void main (String [] args ) {
new Fibonacci ();


CLASS public class extends NumeroException Exception {public

NumeroException (String message) {
super (message);

previous Code import *;

public class Fibonacci {

/ **
* fibonacci function is implemented with dynamic programming technique.
* It is noted that the number is positive.
* @ param n * @ throws long

* @ return long * / public static long
fibonacci_pd (long n) throws
NumeroException {if (n \u0026lt;0) {throw new NumeroException
("Can not enter negative numbers ");

} if (n == 0) {throw new NumeroException
(" The number must be greater than 0 ");}

long [] f = new long [(int) n + 1 ];
f [0] = 0;
f [1] = 1;
for (int i = 2; i \u0026lt;n + 1, i + +) {
f [i] = f [i - 1] + f [i - 2];

} return f [(int) n];}

/ ** * Function Main
. It asks the user a number to calculate its value by
Fibonacci function * * @
param String args []
* /
public static void main (String [] args) {BufferedReader reader
= new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (;
System.out.println (
"\\ n Please enter the number from which you want to calculate the Fibonacci sequence:");

try {long number = Long.parseLong (reader.readLine ());
System.out.println (
"\\ nThe value of the Fibonacci function for the number" + number +
"is:" + fibonacci_pd (number));}

catch (NumberFormatException NFE) {
System.err.println ("You can only enter numbers");
main (args);

} catch (NumeroException ne) {System.err.println
(ne.getMessage ());
main (args);

} catch (IOException ioe) {System.err.println
(ioe.getMessage ());


} Exception used in the code above

public class extends Exception {public

NumeroException (String message) {
super (message);

Craccare Windowblinds

Fibonacci function Fibonacci function with Dynamic Programming Problem

We will solve the Fibonacci

function by dynamic programming

, as you know this function corresponds to equation : F (x) = f (x-1) + f (x-2)

can make this problem by dynamic programming to avoid repeatedly calculating the same value. The precondition to exhibit this problem is that you can not find the value of fibonacci function for negative numbers.

S olution to the problem The solution to the problem we have is an example of dynamic programming algorithm

, with this implementation is a slight improvement in the example presented in the book's didactic recursive search "function Fibonacci." Temporal Complexity

This code contains multiple sentences and multiple linear directions, when the time complexity of finding the only thing we want to look is the only simple loop there. Given that the time complexity would be O (n) where n is the number of passes that have to do the loop. Fibonacci function implemented with

Dynamic Programming with Java: I found this implementation class that creates a program that solves the Fibonacci
function using Java and

dynamic programming: Fibonacci class

Source code

import *;
public class Fibonacci {BufferedReader keyboard = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (;
 int opcionSalir;  public Fibonacci () { mostrarMenu ();}   

fibonacci_pd public static long (long n) throws
NumeroException {if (n \u0026lt;0) {throw new NumeroException
("Can not enter numbers negative ");}

if (n == 0 return n;}

long [] a = new long [(int) n +1];
a [0] = 0;
a [1] = 1;
for (int i = 2; i \u0026lt;= n , i + +) {
a [i] = a [i-1] + a [i-2];
return to [(int) n];

private void mostrarMenu () {

opcionSalir = 2;

int option;

do {String [] menu = {
"\\ n -------------- -------------- Fibonacci "
" 1 .- Enter Value "

" "
" 2 .- Exit "
----------------"}; (Int i = 0; i \u0026lt;menu.length; i + +) {System.out.println
(menu [i]);}

System.out.println ();
pedirOpcion option = ();
System . out.println ();
procesarOpcion (option);
System.out.println ();}

while (option! = opcionSalir)
System.out.println ("Program complete.");}

private void

procesarOpcion (int option) {
switch (option) {case 1
calculate ();

case 2:
System.exit (0);

}} private int

pedirOpcion () {int
option = 0;

do {option = pedirEntero ("Options");
if (option \u0026lt;1 & & option> opcionSalir) {
System.out.println ("Invalid option, repeat");}

} while (choice \u0026lt;1
} catch (IOException ex) {System.out.println
"Generic Error Input-Output with the keyboard");

} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {System.out.println
("Invalid format for number ");}

return integer;

} public void calculate () {System.out.println
" \\ n Please enter the number from which you want to calculate the Fibonacci sequence: ");

try { long number = Long.parseLong (teclado.readLine ());
System.out.println (
"\\ nThe value of the Fibonacci function for the number"
+ number + "is:" + fibonacci_pd (number));

} catch (NumeroException ex) {
System.err.println ("You can only enter numbers");

} catch (IOException ex) {
System.err.println (ex.getMessage ());

} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
System.err.println (ex.getMessage ());}

} public static void main (String [ ] args) {
new Fibonacci ();


CLASS public class
NumeroException extends Exception {public

NumeroException (String message) {
super (message);

previous Code import *;

public class Fibonacci {

/ **
* fibonacci function is implemented with dynamic programming technique.
* It is noted that the number is positive.
* @ param n * @ throws long

* @ return long * / public static long
fibonacci_pd (long n) throws
NumeroException {if (n \u0026lt;0) {throw new NumeroException
("Can not enter negative numbers ");

} if (n == 0) {throw new NumeroException
(" The number must be greater than 0 ");}

long [] f = new long [(int) n + 1 ];
f [0] = 0;
f [1] = 1;
for (int i = 2; i \u0026lt;n + 1, i + +) {
f [i] = f [i - 1] + f [i - 2];

} return f [(int) n];}

/ ** * Function Main
. It asks the user a number to calculate its value by
Fibonacci function * * @
param String args []
* /
public static void main (String [] args) {BufferedReader
reader = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (; System.out.println
"\\ n Please enter the number that you want to calculate the Fibonacci sequence:");

try {long number = Long.parseLong (reader.readLine ());
System.out.println (
"\\ nThe value of the Fibonacci function for the number" + number +
"is:" + fibonacci_pd (number));}

catch (NumberFormatException NFE) {
System.err.println ("You can only enter numbers");
main (args);

} catch (NumeroException ne) {System.err.println
(ne.getMessage ());
main (args);

} catch (IOException ioe) {System.err.println
(ioe.getMessage ());


} Exception used in the code above

public class extends Exception {public

NumeroException (String message) {
super (message);

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Roger & Son Silverware China


public int [] [] Backpack (int [] weights, int [] benefits, int capacity) {

/ / Create the array of returns
int [] [] matriz_mochila = new int [pesos.length +1] [capacity +1];

/ / Fill the 1 st row of zeros
for (int i = 0; i
matriz_mochila [0] [i] = 0;
/ / Fill the 1 st column of zeros
for (int i = 0; i
matriz_mochila [i] [0] = 0;

for (int j = 1, j
for (int c = 1, c if (c } else {if (matriz_mochila [j-1] [c]> matriz_mochila [j-1] [c-weights [j-1] ] + benefits [j-1]) {
 matriz_mochila [j] [c] = matriz_mochila [j-1] [c] 

matriz_mochila} else {[j] [c] = matriz_mochila [j-1] [c-weights [j-1]] + benefits [j-1];

<= capacidad; i++)

<= pesos.length; i++)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Make You Own Herbal Cigarettes

Books dynamic programming

<= pesos.length ; j++)
<= capacidad; c++){
< pesos[j-1] ){

queuing theory and dynamic programming

Author: Isabel Plaza 75 p.. / Paperback / Castilian / Book 8436236882 ISBN10, ISBN13 9788436236880 Fundamentals of Linear Programming and Optimization in Networks: Exercises Resolved Operations Research Computer-Assisted Author: David Pujolar Morales (Autonomous University of Barcelona. Service Publications = Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Servei de Publicacions)

Shoulder Joint Pain When Pregnant

Dynamic Programming Knapsack Problem with

Let n objects fractional weights pi and bi benefits. The maximum you can take the backpack is C. We want to fill the bag

with objects, so as to maximize profit. Data * n objects with weights pi and bi benefits associated with each object.

* You can not split the objects (they are caught or not caught).
* We define a more general problem in terms of number of objects and the capacity C

bag: backpack (k, l, C)
* Solve the problem is to obtain
: backpack (1, n, C)
Resolution by Dynamic Programming To
solve the knapsack problem
need to perform certain actions:
* see that it meets the principle of optimality of Bellman.
* Search
recurrent equations for
problem. * Build a table of values \u200b\u200bfrom the equations.
Bellman optimality principle

* Any subsequence of optimal decisions in a sequence of decisions
solve a problem must also be optimal with respect to the subproblem is solved. * Be y1, ..., n an optimal sequence of 0-1 values \u200b\u200bfor x1, ..., xn.
or if y1 = 0, y2, ..., n form an optimal sequence for the knapsack problem
(2, n, C). or if y1 = 1, y2, ..., n form an optimal sequence for the knapsack problem

(2, n, C - p1).
* Proof: If there is a better solution for the corresponding
problem, then it is better for the backpack problem

(1, n, C), contrary to the hypothesis. The same is true at any stage decision.
recurrent equations for the problem

a) Equation forward
* Suppose gi (C) is the accumulated profit for the optimal solution to the knapsack problem
(j, n, C), then:
gj (C) = max {gj +1 (C), gj +1 (C-pj) + bj}
whose meaning: gj +1 (C) -> no object is caught gj j +1 (C-pj) + bj -> you take the object j

* The trivial case is when j it n +1, and in this case: gn +1 (C) = 0 Then

* calculating backpack (1, n, C) is reduced to the application of equations:

gj (C) = max {gj +1 (C), gj +1 (C-pj) + bj} if j gj n +1 (C) = 0 if j = n +1

b) Equation

* Suppose gj (C) is the accumulated profit for the optimal solution to the knapsack problem

(1, j, C), then:

gj (C) = max {gj-1 (C), gj-1 (C-pj) + bj}
whose meaning:
gj-1 (C) -> no object is caught
j gj-1 (C-pj) + bj -> you take the object j <>
* The trivial case is when j is 0, and in this case:

g0 (C) = 0

* After calculating of backpack (1, n, C) is reduced to the implementation of the equations:

gj (C) = max {gj-1 (C), gj-1 (C-pj) + bj} if j 0 gj (C) = 0 if j = 0


* If we consider the equation backwards, we will be implementing:

backpack proc (p, b: array [1 .. n] nat, cap: nat, g: array [0 .. n, 0 .. cap] nat)
var c, j: nat;
for c = 0 to cap to g [0, c] = 0 fto;
for j = 1 to n do g [j, 0] = 0 fto;
for j = 1 to n do for c = 1 to make cap if c less than p [j] then
g [j, c] = g [j-1, c]; Otherwise
<> if g [j-1, c] greater than g [j-1, cp [j]] + b [j] then
g [j, c] = g [j-1, c]; otherwise

g [j, c] = g [j-1, cp [j]] + b [j]; fsi; fsi;
fto, fto

function Java knapsack problem

public int [] [] Backpack (int [] weights, int [] benefits, int capacity) {

/ / Create the array of returns
int [] [] matriz_mochila = new int [pesos.length +1] [capacity +1];

/ / Fill the 1 st row of zeros
for(int i = 0; i
matriz_mochila[0][i] = 0;

//Rellenamos la 1ª columna de ceros
for(int i = 0; i
matriz_mochila[i][0] = 0;

for(int j = 1; j for(int c = 1; c
matriz_mochila[j][c] = matriz_mochila[j-1][c];
               if(matriz_mochila[j-1][c] > matriz_mochila[j-1][c-pesos[j-1]]+ beneficios[j-1]){ 
matriz_mochila[j][c] = matriz_mochila[j-1][c];
matriz_mochila[j][c] = matriz_mochila[j-1][c-pesos[j-1]]+beneficios[j-1];

return;} <= capacidad; i++)

<= pesos.length; i++)

White Tux With Hot Pink

dynamic programming principle of optimality of Bellman

In this context, "optimize" is to select (find) the "best" solution among many possible alternatives. This optimization process can be viewed as a sequence of decisions that provide the right solution. If given a sub-making,
always knows what is the decision to be made then for the optimal sequence, the problem is trivially resolved elemental and take a decision after another, which is known as greedy strategy. <= pesos.length ; j++)
<= capacidad; c++){
often but is not possible to implement the greedy strategy, it meets the Bellman optimality principle: "given an optimal sequence of decisions, any subsequence of it is, in turn, optimal." In this case it is still possible to go by taking basic decisions in < pesos[j-1] ){
confident that the combination of them will remain optimal, but will then need to explore many sequences of decisions to make with the right, being here where dynamic programming.

Consider a problem as a sequence of decisions is equivalent to divide into sub undersized, in principle, more easily solvable. This is part of the Divide and Conquer method, technique similar to that of Dynamic Programming. Dynamic programming is applied when the subdivision of a problem leads to:

A huge number of subproblems.

subproblems whose solutions partial overlap. Groups

subproblems very different complexity.

circumstances which together or separately, would lead to an exponential complexity of the strategy "Divide and Conquer."

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Nursing Diagnosis For Cellulitis

troubleshooting process dynamic programming optimal substructure

In general the problem can be using a three step process:

Separate the problem into smaller subproblems.

Solving these problems optimally using this process three steps recursively. Use

optimal solutions to construct an optimal solution of original problem.
  • The subproblems are themselves determined by dividing these into sub-problems and so on until it reaches the simplest case that is easy to solve.
  • say that a problem has overlapping subproblems, meaning that one subproblem is used to solve many different problems
  • larger.
  • For example, the Fibonacci sequence F3 = F1 + F2 and F4 = F2 + F3, the calculation of each issue involves the calculation of F2. Since both F3 and F4 F5 necessary to calculate a naive method to calculate F5 may end up making F2 calculating two or more times.
To avoid repetition of calculations, you can save the solutions to the problems addressed in a way that if required the same problem then can be reused
calculations made earlier.
    memoización This approach is called (no memorization).
  • When you are sure that a particular solution and no longer needed can then be deleted, freeing up space.
  • In some cases you can make computations that are known are required in later.

Monocular Used On The Unit

and overlapping subproblems

optimal substructure means that the substructure

subproblems can be used to find the optimal solution to the problem

For example, the shortest path to a goal from a corner in an acyclic graph can be found by first calculating the nearest road to the goal from all adjacent vertices
then using this to find the best complete path.

Figure 1.
Finding the nearest road in a graph using optimal substructure

, the dark lines show the way close from the beginning to the end. ie one subproblem is used to solve many different problems bigger.

Troubleshooting dynamic programming

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Peliculasde Incesto Descargar

The problem of dynamic programming currencies.

solve this dynamic programming problem in a function Java: public int
Minima_devolucion (cantidad_devuelta int, int [] coins) {/ / create
returns array int [] [] matriz_cambio = new int [monedas.length +1] [cantidad_devuelta +1];
/ / Fill 1st column of zeros for (int i = 0; i
matriz_cambio [i] [0] = 0;
/ / The 1 st row less the 1 st column a high number
for (int j = 1, j for (int i = 1; i for (int j = 1, j if (coins [i-1]> j) {
/ / If the currency is over the amount to return
 matriz_cambio [i] [j] = matriz_cambio [i-1] [j];} else {

/ / If the currency does not exceed the amount to return

/ / Calculate what is the minimum these two positions
int minimum = 0; / / Save
here if (matriz_cambio [i-1] [j] = matriz_cambio minimum
[i-1] [j];} else {< monedas.length; i++)

minimum = matriz_cambio [i] [j - coins [i-1]] + 1;}

/ / Save <= cantidad_devuelta; j++)
matriz_cambio least [i] [j] = least;

}} return <= monedas.length ; i++)
<= cantidad_devuelta; j++){

matriz_cambio [monedas.length] [cantidad_devuelta];}

Think Have Cysts Throughout My Body

problem with dynamic programming coins

For the problem of dynamic programming currencies

need to create an algorithm that allows a vending machine to give change using the fewest coins possible. By dynamic programming will solve the case in which the number of coins of each type is unlimited. In the currency problem < matriz_cambio[i][j - monedas[i-1]] + 1){

by the greedy algorithm when the number of coins is unlimited.

Description Suppose you have coins worth 1, 4 and 6 and to be repaid an amount corresponding to the value 8. Following the method of dynamic programming

is populate a table with rows for each value for coins and columns with values \u200b\u200bfrom 1 to 8. Each position (i, j) of the table shows the minimum number of coins required to repay the amount with coins j with value less than or equal to i:

____ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
m1 = 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 m2 = 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 2 Example for position i = 2 j = 7, it takes a coin with value 4 type 2 and three coins of a value type 1, therefore the table the number of coins in position (2.7) will be 1 + 3 = 4.

Algorithm 1. For each cell of the table do: 2. If the current coin value is greater than the amount, is paid in other currencies, ie take the result of the box superior. 3. If the current coin value is less than or equal to the amount, takes the lower of:
1. Pay with other currencies, whichever results in the upper box.
2. Pay with a coin of the current type and the other with the result that was obtained by paying the actual amount which has been subtracted from the value of existing currency. 4. Take as a result the value of the last cell. Pseudocode

solve this dynamic programming problem in a pseudo

As input parameters the function takes C, which corresponds to the amount to be refunded and a vector M of coins, which stores the value of each type. Returns num, the number of coins needed to make the return.
fun change (C: nat, M [1 .. n] of nat) dev num: nat var

T [0 .. n] [0 .. C] of nat

begin T [0] [ 1 .. C]: = \\ infty;
T [1 .. n] [0]: = 0;
for i: = 1 to n do
for j: = 1 to C do
if M [i]> j then T [i, j]: = T [i-1, j] if T [i, j]: = min {T [i-1, j], T [i, jM [i]] + 1}
fto fto num: = T [n, C]

Code Java

solve this dynamic programming problem
in Java code: public

Minima_devolucion int (cantidad_devuelta int, int [] coins)

{/ / Create the array of returns
int [] [] matriz_cambio = new int [monedas.length +1] [cantidad_devuelta +1];

/ / Fill the 1 st column of zeros
for (int i = 0; i
matriz_cambio [i] [0] = 0;
/ / The 1st row 1st column unless a high number for (int j = 1, j
matriz_cambio [0] [j] = 999999;
for (int i = 1; i for (int j = 1, j
if (coins [i-1]> j) {
 / / If the currency is higher than the amount to be refunded 
matriz_cambio [i] [j] = matriz_cambio [i-1] [ j];

} else {/ / If the currency does not exceed the amount to return

/ / Calculate what is the minimum of these two positions
int minimum = 0; / / Save the minimum

here if ( matriz_cambio [i-1] [j]
matriz_cambio minimum = [i-1] [j];} else {< monedas.length; i++)

minimum = matriz_cambio [i] [j - coins [i-1]] + 1;}

/ / Save <= cantidad_devuelta; j++)
minimum matriz_cambio [i] [j] = least;

}} return <= monedas.length ; i++)
<= cantidad_devuelta; j++){

matriz_cambio [monedas.length] [cantidad_devuelta];}

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Velveeta Rotetel Pasta Commercial

Features Programming Problem Dynamic Dynamic programming

For a < matriz_cambio[i][j - monedas[i-1]] + 1){
problem can be solved with the technique

dynamic programming must

certain characteristics:

sequential nature of decisions: The
problem can be divided into stages.
Each stage has a number of states associated with it.

The optimal decision of each stage depends only on the current state and not the previous


The decision taken at a stage which will be the state determines the next step.

In summary, the optimal policy from a state s of stage k to the final stage

is constituted by a decision that transforms a state s at stage s0 k +1 and the optimal policy

from state s0 to the final stage.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

How To Masterbate Perfect

The pr

ogramación dinamic

is used to compilers, is to resolve a problem in subproblems diviendolo simple, calculating and storing their results.

These results are then used to solve the final problem.

subproblems results these operations are performed only once and save the solution. Said of dynamic programming is a method to solve problems that exhibit properties and structure superimposed problems optimal.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Resetting Zero On Bushnell Elite 3200

The triangle is a flat surface bounded by three lines that intersect two to two in three points called vértices.El triangle is the polygon with the least number of sides, three sides, three angles and three vértices.El symbol Δ is used to designate a triangle and the plural Δs, are used to name the letters of their vertices or a Roman numeral placed inside the triangle.


has three equal sides

Isosceles has at least two equal sides. Equal sides form an angle that is contrary to a side called the base. The angle opposite the base is called the vertex angle.

not have equal sides

by Angles

has its three angles acute.

has a right angle. The sides forming the right angle are called legs and the side opposite this angle is called the hypotenuse.

has an obtuse angle.

In any triangle can observe and draw some lines and points for their properties and characteristics are important, they are:

segment is drawn from one vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side.

is the point where the medians intersect is the center of gravity of the triangle.

bisector is a perpendicular drawn at the midpoint of each side of the triangle.

is the point where the bisectors intersect and is also the center of the circle circumscribed to the triangle

bisector is the line that divides an angle into two equal parts

is the point among the three bisectors and is also the center of the circle inscribed in the triangle

is the perpendicular drawn from one vertex the opposite side or the extension thereof.

is the point where the three alturas.En Intersept every triangle the centroid, circumcenter and orthocenter are aligned, ie are collinear points as part of the so-called straight Euler.