We'll finish our small volume putting first the guards, who are or may be, a sheet folded in half to have a length slightly exceeding the leaves of the book, to crop and even later.
(Care to cut and they have to have the thread - fiber in the same direction as the leaves of the book. - VERY IMPORTANT) (view DOUBT)

We turned the guards and small edge of the tail paste on the edge of the bone folder then going to take hold.
... proceed to cut the surplus by introducing a metal ruler between inside and leaves the book to guide us.
With the guards in place, now paste the strips of tape to keep them and strengthening the role flap that is sticking the spine.

width measurements of the book. As we round the back and we will leave a small channel on the cover, measure the width less than 7 mm. That will be the width of the lid. The high will be what measures he took more than 6 mm.

Now let's cut the ridge. Its measurement is given by the width of the volume, which can be measured as you see in the picture, putting a piece of paper crossed and marked on the two points, front and rear. A well taken as is necessary to add the bulk of a carton and a half we are going to put a lid and cover. (The high will be the same as the cardboard cores).

With the above measures we rely on a cutting board with a good cutter and cut the two boards.

present the three parts on a piece of cloth or guaflex (to taste) and let including a separation of 7 mm. edges and 2.5 cm.

we glue our parts and we put on canvas or guaflex (which is this case) proceeding to carry out the kinks with the letter opener.

round up the back (can be stretched against the edge of the table). The photo you can see how it is rounded up and put the volume on the set to see if we measured it and made the appropriate margins.

which is only now come to call - get the book-glued those little tops channels and we also glue the spine of the book.

introduce the volume in place and leave with weight at least an hour, having scored before these small channels with the letter opener and then leaving in place a few skewers as used on the barbecue so that they are properly marked and sealed.
In our next chapter we will stick guards and contemplate the finished work compared to what we had found at first.
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