1 - The direction of the grain
Before handling paper or cardboard is very very important to find out what is the meaning of fiber in these materials. For those who are not familiar these terms will simply say that both the paper and cardboard are basically composed of fibers and these tend to cluster in one sense, we would have a plain little sense leaf fiber and a sense of contrafibra . How do you eat this and do we care?. Well, binding all the elements used must have the fiber in the same direction, thereby facilitating the opening of the books and prevents the caps are curved to one side or the leaves emit a creak every time you pass.
Although we will not bind (so far) no comic and we will just make boxes or cases, these will have the same outer shape as a book, with a base and a front and back. Well, these elements all have to have the fiber in the same direction if we want our box look like an origami pig.
Al grain How do we know or can see the happy sense?
In the diagram below as you can see the fiber in a standard sheet of A4.
Take a normal sheet combais vertically without bending as in the drawing. Then you do the same but horizontally. in the position to offer less resistance to sag that is the direction of the grain.
With the cardboard
same thing happens, there is always a sense of the fiber and must always match ALL ITEMS IN THE SAME DIRECTION (sheets, boards, guards, paper covers, etc ...)
2 - What will we save?
For a first box or case I would recommend that was not too great and that you were manipulating the paper little by little, the time will come mother-boxes like these that I put in previous entries. So as I decided to sample a collection that although I have no complete, only got two numbers (15) (which I will tell you, to see if we find) is quite adequate for the experiment.
This collection Blackshirt (black shirt) that belongs to the series Super Detective Library (English) and here in Spain was translated as Mister X in the collection Illustrated Adventures Ferma. I put here a reference image of the two:

3 - The basic form
Following is an outline of the elements that we need to go short to contain our little library

The next chapter will begin to measure, so far you can go see in your comics as does the direction of the grain and this concept familiarizandoos and thinking that collection or group of comics you would like to experiment.
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