Monday, September 20, 2010

Does Rephresh Cause Spoting Or Bleeding

Vertice Comics: Comics More Vertice

As already mentioned before, we do now a small new experiment.
1 - Prepare a small mixing soap with water (this makes the whole world with old oil.)
2 - We had a stick to clean these babies ears wet in the previous solution.
With that clean the surface a bit to enable the chloramine after applying the base and is more uniform.
3 - We use chloramine as I indicated in another post.
4 - Clean the surface treated with distilled water.
Lastly, to prevent these wrinkles can put the sheet between blotters, placing a weight on top and letting it all night. In principle, the wrinkle should disappear. (Needless to wet the sheet, simply put it between drying and weighing).

next blog-trades: Vertex and loose-leaf spines

Friday, September 17, 2010

Does Rephresh Cause Spotting Or Bleeding

Chloramine: The Dirt by contagion

Well, maybe the title is a bit extreme and not afraid. When we store the vertex editorial Comics taco or billet such as commonly referred, is a small transfer of ink to cover a cover of another and vice versa. This ultimately results in a sort of grayish spots that disfigure the covers of comics that were originally white.
On the back of the next photo you will appreciate what I mean. It is a comic in principle to be preserved but that being in contact with the next collection, and have very white cap, has received some ink on the other, giving rise to the spots you see in the picture below.
Well, there is a paste used for restoration which put photo below ...
... that applied on the cover above produces the following result:
Another example:
... and the result ...
The result is good, you can continue working up to almost eliminated. I could check that leaves no trace, not lift the paper and can make very clean these comics. From recommend cleaning enter each in a plastic bag or use antacid layers of this type of plastic to separate comics.
This procedure has not been tested in those comics whose rate exceeds the dirt that I mentioned here, in which case there would be enough, but hey, we'll see if those can also do something in the future.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Can You Buy Jansport Backpacks In Ross

stains, foxing, mold and dirt. Tutorial

As a preliminary phase before starting to fix our Vertice, we will discuss today a product that I discovered recently that I decided to try: Chloramine-T. Do not bet for or against the same, just have done some tests and put them here for everyone to write a review. Of course all comments are not only welcome but appreciated.

Well, get to work. In the first picture you can see a cover in which many will recognize common elements in other comics or films you have in house. Points covered Foxing, stains, which are not known for sure what their origin and whether they contain a variety of mushroom or simply a result of oxidation of paper to preserve it in poor condition.

Of course, its appearance is given by a poor conservation, humidity and poor ventilation, that is, the great basement for storage, because equality of paper, comic book publishing and I easily found that those who have been kept well ventilated and have not developed these spots.


This is the product. According to the manufacturer has to be applied in two passes and never completely covering the blade not to alter the fiber paper, but point by point. In the first pass would eliminate the life of the fungus and the second would produce the cleaning effect. Finally we must return to lend a hand with distilled water (which is used for car batteries) to balance the role

And this is the result of applying it only on the left side of the cover shown above.

Let other. I have tested with comics from different eras and the reaction was always positive. In any case removed "almost" in full the stain.
In the example below I made a comic most recent period and also ensuring that behind there was a spot illustration to see how it affected the product to another page, if discolored or produced any new spot ...

This is the sample

... And this is the back page ... Aaaaggghhh!

Here the result in the treated corner:
Check that the cover has not been degraded or has been (in both cases have applied the distilled water as recommended by the manufacturer)

seems that the product works and sanitation.

In the next blog-trad apply chloramine-t about a comic Vertex to see how it works with these papers.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Spot Abdominal Sore 33 Weeks Pregnant

Box VIII - Walkthrough

Well, let's finish the box. We begin by cut two pieces of cardboard the same size as the previous ones that were more than fine. We recall the measures that are in the previous post: Top
Back Cover = Cover
As I said earlier, this system can be customized as far as the creativity to make the cover, back cover and back separately, each element can be repeated until the desired result without sacrificing the others who are to our liking. To avoid complicating the issue, I used two skin remains a friend gave me and they'll cover decks. So once we cut the cards one on the skin and left more or less than 2.5 cm. on each side, cutting it to that extent.
Glue the cardboard and put it on the skin. (Or about what we have designed as a cover logically)
corners cut at an angle to bend the sides ... We turned
a long side and we glue as seen in the image
Now, with the lateral bending and gluing, place this on the thin cardboard carton that already had assembled, glued side by side just above viewed from below would read:
.... And we now proceed to bend the other protruding from the skin that will embrace the thin cardboard
... Continue folding ...
.... and concluded turning to see the result ...
Do the same with the other board (cover).
And we have here the final result:
Another view of how it has been and will be finally
Finally we have hooked our decks with open boxes that we had prepared ... so we put these tires on your back .... and put our boxes (one inside the other, being the smallest below) to open the inside of the back, making sure they fit well and are margin on all sides. When we are ready to glue the small box and paste it to the back as seen ...
We put a weight on the set and let dry one hour (notice as in the photo can be seen protruding 3 mm margins of the box
An hour and open the book .. .
courage, and just need to glue the large box. As the girl and is attached to the base and we are great about it, but we have to queue at its surface ...
... and close the cover on it as we did before. Concluding with a weight on the set and rested an hour. When this time has elapsed we can open and view the final result ...
We found that open and close perfectly ...
closed Another view ...
And another ....
And more ...
With almost all of our comics placed
Opening ...
... and closing ... with our comics, protected from light and other environmental effects, may also placed in the library in a dignified position.

As I said in previous blog-tered, the next issue will be related to Vertice comics and special edition issues, starting with the covers and stains. You can suggest topics
in the email address listed on the side of the blog.
tackle trays collected

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hiv Test After 60 Days

Weekend Box VII - Tops Box

finally making the covers for a final stage we will place them as indicating. We

the following measures that will help build the front and back covers, which are equal and the spine:

Top = (Height of the big box + 6 mm) X (width of the big box + 2 mm)
Back Cover = Cover

Lomo Alto Top = X (thickness + thickness large box of 2 cartons)

The next step is to consider how we decorate the spine and covers. To simplify a little, the front and back covers of build it with some leftover skin, which can be replaced by any other embellishment.

However, the back which is what else is going to be in the library seems obviously asked to identify the content, so the scanner and Photoshop, based on the covers of the collection, design an image that will cover the back as follows. Always a little bigger than the cardboard to cover backs. I design printed on fabric binding, which is quite thin, any printer, inkjet or laser can support.

Once printed should be sprayed as a fixative to be a fairly porous burlap, could jump by contact with ink. For this purpose exist in the market with a plastic spray giving eggshell finish quite acceptable. Another solution would be to apply some diluted latex, always test on a sample. We printed fabric back and draw on it a piece of cardboard cut to the back

Leaving 2.5 cm. excess above and below and 4 cm. the sides more than 9 mm apart on each side as shown in the following two pictures:

This is following the drawing of the back but the 9 mm plus 4 cms. on each side With the measures we take at first for front and back cardboard cut two fine equal to front and back. So we have two covers and two back cover, one fine and one thick. Why do this?. The answer is that in this case we practice one of the modes of binding that are called Bradel. Of the two existing methods, this is more complex and slightly more compact, but either has a big advantage, and that helps us make the case and the decoration of the covers separately, which would be repeated until are to our liking without changing the case or the back. We
, loin thick and thin covers and paste on the fabric as shown in the picture:
We return the excess fabric over and we stuck together, marking the channel of 9 mm. we let with a letter opener or other means to reinforce the bond.

View of right would be as follows:
We cover the inside of this set with another piece of cloth of the same type as that used for the back, so we cut a piece from the piece covering red seen in the photo to the next high and wide enough to cover the back, the 9 mm. on each side and between about 2 to 3 cm. this a bit to taste, does not have to be very precise.
Here is the result of the above explanation
Now we have areas we had trays been made with cardboard. To do this we cut two separate pieces of paper or otr cover material and it enters into the tray with about 2.3 to 3 cm. and another 3 inches. excess to turn and glue underneath.
View previous comment after the piece of paper glued
Do the same with the other tray ...
Now we see that we have made the whole cover, spine, back cover well wrapped trays. Simply overlay for verification.
In the next blog-trade will manufacture the covers final and end up our first box.
In coming blog-chapters discuss:
- Tthe foxing stains.
- The Vortex Comics publisher, problems, spots and flyers.